Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care


北阿拉巴马地区唯一的呼吸护理学士学位课程于2023年秋季在K8彩乐园推出! UNA的呼吸护理专业学士学位课程非常适合有志成为呼吸治疗师的个人. K8彩乐园的本科招生办公室,了解更多关于申请UNA和注册我们新的呼吸护理计划的信息.

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通过在K8彩乐园获得呼吸护理学位, 学生将获得成为机械通风专家所需的知识和技能, airway maintenance, breathing disorders, and diagnostic evaluation. 呼吸治疗师照顾所有年龄的病人在急性医院领域,如重症监护, 急诊室, pediatric and neonatal units, 门诊, 家庭健康.

呼吸系统护理项目的重点是两年的生物科学基础课程, 人文学科, 其他的课程是为进入呼吸护理项目做准备的 Anderson College of 护理 and Health Professions. BSRC的教师将教育、领导、临床经验和专业知识带到课堂上. 学生还将受益于我们最先进的模拟实验室和高质量的实践临床经验,为他们作为呼吸治疗师的职业生涯做好准备.


Time to Complete:


Modality Offered:


Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care (BSRC)

Why North Alabama?

With a diverse student body and experienced faculty, the University of North Alabama offers flexible course schedules, competitive pricing, and a highly reputable 教育 that fits your life. As a leader in healthcare 教育 since 1973, K8彩乐园为你展示知识做准备, 能力, 以及有效提供卫生保健服务的技能,确保高质量的护理和合乎道德的决策.

Respiratory Care Curriculum

Area I (Written Composition) - 6 Credit Hours
Area II (Humanities and Fine Arts) - 12 Credit Hours
Area III (Natural Sciences and Mathematics) - 11 Credit Hours
MA 110 or MA 112
Finite Mathematics or College Algebra
BI 101
Introductory Biology
CH 101
Introductory Chemistry
CH 101升
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory
Area IV (History, Social and Behavioral Sciences) - 12 Credit Hours
  PY 201 or SO 221 General Psychology (3) or Introductory Sociology (3)
  ED 299 人类生长 & 发展(3)
Area V - 16 Credit Hours
呸!咄! 101
First-Year Experience Seminar
BI 241
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BI 242
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BI 302 or BI 307
MA 147
Elementary Statistics
Major Core Requirements
RC 300 Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology - 3
RC 302 Respiratory Pathophysiology - 3
RC 304 Foundations of Respiratory Care - 3
RC 306 Patient Assessment & Disease Management - 3
RC 308 Respiratory Assessment and Foundations Lab - 3
RC 310 Clinical Practice I - 1
RC 330 Pulmonary Diagnostics - 3
RC 332 Respiratory Pharmacology - 3
RC 334 Mechanical Ventilation I - 3
RC 336 Critical Care Lab - 3
RC 338 Clinical Practice II - 4
RC 410 Pediatric and Neonatal Respiratory Care - 3
RC 412 Advanced Critical Care Lab - 2
RC 414 研讨会I - 2
RC 416 Mechanical Ventilation II - 3
RC 418 Clinical Practice III - 6
RC 442 Clinical Practice IV - 6
RC 444 研讨会II - 2
RC 446 Respiratory Care Leadership and 教育 - 3
RC 448 Senior Capstone - 2
RC 450 Research and Evidence-Based Practice - 2


The Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care, CoARC program number 200649, 位于K8彩乐园,拥有呼吸护理认证委员会的临时认证(


此状态表示具有意向批准的项目已证明充分符合标准(通过提交可接受的临时认证自我研究报告(PSSR)和CoARC要求的任何其他文件), as well as satisfactory completion of an initial on-site visit), to be allowed to admit students. 它被国家呼吸保健委员会(NBRC)认可为认证项目。, 它为完成课程的注册学生提供参加呼吸护理资格考试的资格。. 该计划将保持临时认证,直到它达到持续认证.


CoARC对美国的呼吸治疗教育项目进行认证. To achieve this end, it utilizes an ‘outcomes based’ process. 计划成果是反映计划教育目标实现程度的绩效指标,并通过该指标记录计划的有效性.” 

Program Goals and Outcomes

Goals of the Respiratory Care Program:

  1. 培养具有认知(知识)能力的毕业生。, psychomotor (skills), 由注册呼吸治疗师(RRTs)进行的呼吸护理实践的情感(行为)学习领域.
  2. 通过包括与以下一项或多项技能获得相关的课程内容,为呼吸护理领域的领导者做好准备, 教育, 研究和高级临床实践(可能包括临床专业领域).

Additional Program Goals/Student Outcomes:


  1. 与其他卫生保健专业人员有效合作,为客户提供与呼吸护理服务和资源计划相关的决策指导和意见.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to recall, K8彩乐园, 并分析高级呼吸治疗师所需的信息.
  3. 与不同背景的客户进行有效和专业的沟通, in addition to peers and other health care professionals.
  4. 从事批判性思维和解决问题,通过在多个卫生保健机构的循证实践.

Admission Requirements

Initial admission is based on requirements for admission to the University; however, 被大学录取并不能保证进入呼吸护理课程. 进入呼吸护理专业阶段的要求包括:

  • 向安德森护理与健康专业学院提交一份正式的呼吸护理申请.
  • Possess a minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 (4.0 scale) or higher in required BSRC courses, including a “C” or higher in all required prerequisite courses.
  • 以前在另一个呼吸系统护理项目注册的学生必须提供一份资格证明,以便在没有院长或主任的规定下返回该项目. If ineligible to return to the program, 学生没有资格申请安德森护理和健康专业学院.
  • 以前注册过医疗保健相关课程(呼吸系统除外)的学生必须与他们的顾问交谈. An eligibility letter may be required. 
  • 学生必须有资格参加所有临床设施的轮转,才有资格进入该计划.
  • 完成犯罪背景调查和阴性药物筛选,并在入学申请中规定的大学学生行为良好.

学生可以在每学年的秋季接受并注册呼吸护理课程.  Applications will be made available online March 1st 7月1日到期st.



$340 per credit hour plus additional fees.


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